
阅读理解 (1) Which museum has the longest history? A . The Louvre Museum. B . The British Museum. C . The National Museum of China. D . The National Museum of Natural History. (2) What kind of museum is the National Museum of China? A . Art museum. B . Natural history museum. C . History museum. D . Both A and C (3) Which of the following is NOT true according to the material? A . The National Museum of Natural History is in Washington, D. C. B . The director of the National Museum of China is Lu Zhangshen. C . The British Museum is open from日本与中国本是一衣带水的邻邦。唐朝时,一艘艘帆船,13次遣唐使成了两国延续二百年的纽带。日本多次派遣遣唐使的目的是( )A. 学习中国的先进文化 B. 传播先进的日本文化C. 加强两国间的友谊 D. 求取佛教经义
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