
下列各组词语中,加线字的读音无误的一项是() A . 亲(qìn)家 抻(shēn)纸时髦(máo) 画轴(zhóu) B . 萝卜(bū) 谄(chǎn)媚枇杷(pá) 怅(chàng)然 C . 规矩(jǔ) 虔(qián)诚 模(mú)样荷梗(gěng) D . 裱(biǎo)画珊(shān)瑚檀(dán)香五行(xíng) 答案:C 杂集与其它 . Here we found only a little snow, as most of it seemed ________ blown off the mountain.   A) to be        B) to have been     C) that it was       D) that it had been
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