
阅读理解 Allow me to introduce you to Terry, a window salesman from England. If I could take you back about 20 years, you'd know Terry as a complete green hand, who was wet behind the ears in just about everything he attempted. A person couldn't sell false teeth to his own Granny, let alone he could compete with the other salespeople in the industry. You know, the kind who could sell snow to Eskimos. Terry's boss decided to send him out on a practical field trip on his first day. So off he went, but he was extremely nervous. With his hands and his knees shaking, he approached the front doo 66.5°    读世界局部地区气候类型分布图,回答下列问题。(12分) 北回归线    (1)图中①处气候类型是   ▲   ,该气候类型的分布规律是  ▲   。(3分) (2)比较同纬度②③两地的气候差异。(5分) ②地 66.5°    ③地 特征              ▲                     ▲         成因             ▲                    ▲         (3)④地夏季盛行   ▲  风,形成的主要原因是  ▲  。(2分) (4)造成⑤、⑥两地气候差异的主要因素是   ▲   ,造成 ③、⑥两地气候差异的主要因素是   ▲   。(2分)
英语 试题推荐