
下列使用无线网络的行为中,错误的是() A . 在餐厅、机场等提供免费无线网络的地方免费上网 B . 使用软件破解别人的无线网络密码后免费上网 C . 给自己家中的无线网络设置复杂的密码防止别人蹭网 D . 将自己家中的无线网络密码告诉邻居,大家共享网络,共担费用 答案:B根据下面文章,判断下列句子正误,正确的填T,错误的填F          Life in a special school In Toronto, Canada, Kim goes to a special school. It's a school for music. Students come from around the world to study music at this school. These students are very good at playing music. Some students play the violin, some play the horn. They play many kinds of music. Kim plays the piano. Every day, Kim spends most of her time in music class. Of course, Kim has lessons in other subjects, too. Every afternoon, Kim has many kinds of lessons, but music is the most important subject. Kim must take PE once a week, but she can choose her after-school activities. She can choose sports, dancing, or other activities. Kim usually takes sports for her afternoon activity. Her favourite sport is tennis. 1. Kim goes to a special music school. ______ 2. Kim plays the violin. ______ 3. Kim has a PE class once a week._______ 4. After school, Kim's favorite activity is dancing.______
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