
2008年10月23日晚,非洲各国艺术家与深圳歌舞团同台献艺,以一场精彩纷呈的开幕式晚会拉开了“2008非洲文化聚集”大型中非文化交流活动的序幕。根据材料,回答问题。 (1) 节目演出期间主持人穿插介绍了关于非洲的一些知识,小明同学粗略记下了一些,请你找出小明记错的内容() A . 矿产资源种类多样,储量丰富 B . 地形以高原为主 C . 黄金、金刚石的储量居世界首位 D . 是世界上大型野生动物数量最少的大洲 (2) 看完演出后根据短文内容判断下列句子的正误Hello. I am Amy. I am eight years old. Today is my birthday. Look, I have a birthday cake. I have juice and rice for dinner. And I have many gifts, too. A red toy monkey, two new bags and five storybooks. I am so happy today.(1)Today is Amy's birthday.(2)Amy has a birthday cake.(3)Amy has eggs and rice for dinner.(4)Amy has a red toy monkey and two storybooks.(5)Amy is happy today.
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