
补全对话A: Is this yourphoto?B: Yes. This is my grandfather this is my grandmother.A: Are these your ?B: Yes,are. This is my father and this is my mother. Look! This is my . She is my father's sister.A: Is this your ?B: Yes,is my father's brother.A: Is the girl your sister?B: No, she is my . She is my aunt's daughter.A: Is the your brother?B: No, he is my cousin, too (也) . He is my uncle's .我们的许多节日与重大历史事件有关。下列节日的由来,与近代中国民主革命有关的是(  ) ①端午节 ②青年节 ③建军节 ④国庆节 A.①②③           B.②③④           C.①③④           D.①②④
英语 试题推荐