
听短文, 根据短文内容完成下列表格。Things some people do on the __(1)____they spend only ____(2)____.They ___(3)____ to give their seats to the old people without listening to the ticket sellers.Be ___(4)____ and help the persons in need of help.Things we should doGive your seats to the people with ____(5)____ and let old people get on or get off before you. (1) Things some people do on the ____ A . train B . bus C . plane (2) They spend only ____ A . 1 or 2 yuan B . 2 or 3 yuan C . 3 or 4 yuan (3) They ______ to gi下列有关生物进化的叙述中,正确的是          A.生物的变异为进化提供原始材料,并决定了生物进化的方向 B.长期地理隔离可能造成不同种群基因库组成上发生显著差异 C.自然选择导致种群基因频率发生定向改变,基因频率的改变标志着新物种的产生 D.共同进化是指生物与无机环境之间相互影响、不断进化
英语 试题推荐