
阅读下列材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或用括号内单词的正确形式。 What we eat every day has a great effectour health. Therefore, weshould make every effort to change our bad eating habits. we all know, baked or friedfoods may be tasty, but eating too much of them will probably result in someillnesses. Moreover, some food that costs us a great deal of money and is nothealthy (be) junk food. (compare) with people inthe West, Chinese people used (eat) more grain andvegetables, but (little) meat, which is a good eating habit.However, things are quite 仿照画波浪线的句子,在横线上续写一句话,使之构成排比。见了大江的汹涌,没见过大海的浩瀚,真是遗憾;见了大海的浩瀚,没见过大山的巍峨,仍然遗憾;___________,_________,依旧遗憾;__________,_________,还是遗憾。出发吧!世上有不绝的风景,人有不老的心情。
英语 试题推荐