
选词填空die out; side by side; devote oneself to; call on sb. to do sth. (1) We are hoping to see the day when all people live . (2) Many endangered species will soon if we don't take action. (3) After finishing the proposed study, I will the development of computer science. (4) Therefore, we people use cloth bags and baskets instead of plastic bags.如图,将△AOB置于平面直角坐标系中,其中点O为坐标原点,点A的坐标为(3,0),∠ABO=60度.(1)若△AOB的外接圆与y轴交于点D,求D点坐标.(2)若点C的坐标为(-1,0),试猜想过D,C的直线与△AOB的外接圆的位置关系,并加以说明.(3)二次函数的图象经过点O和A且顶点在圆上,求此函数的解析式.
英语 试题推荐