
根据短文内容判断下列句子正误。 There is a zoo near our village.There is a forest in the zoo.There are many animals in the forest.Look! There is a tiger.It's running.Some birds are in the trees.They are singing.Here comes a bear.It's walking.Oh! Look at the monkeys.They are climbing trees.How cute they are! And some rabbits are playing with each other under a big tree. (1) There is a zoo near our village. (2) There are many animals in the forest. (3) The tiger is sleeping. (4) The birds are singing. 如图所示,在点电荷Q产生的电场中,将两个带正电的试探电荷、分别置于A、B两点,虚线为等势线.取无穷远处为零电势点,若将、移动到无穷远的过程中外力克服电场力做的功相等,则下列说法正确的是( )A.在A点的电势能等于在B点的电势能B.两点的电场强度相等C.A点电势大于B点电势D.的电荷量小于的电荷量
英语 试题推荐