
根据问题回答,每题不超过5个词Hello! Do you know the boy in the picture? Well, this is my Americanfriend, Michael. He's thirteen. He is in Class Four. His telephone number is010-88265739. His Chinese name is GuoQiang. Mr. Lee is GuoQiang's father. He isa doctor. He's from New York. Mrs. Lee is his mother. She is from Washington.She is a teacher. Now they are in Beijing. (1) Who's the boy? (2) How old is Michael? (3) What is Mr. Lee? (4) Where is Mrs. Lee from? (5) Where are Michael and hisparents now?课内阅读。1839年6月3日,广州城沸腾起来了。城门旁张贴着一张大布告,人们纷纷前来观看。有人大声读着:“钦差大臣林则徐,遵照皇上御旨,于6月3日在虎门滩将收缴的洋人鸦片当众销毁,沿海居民和在广州的外国人,可前往观瞻……”老年人边听边点头,笑呵呵地捋着胡须;青年人兴奋地挥着拳头,赞不绝口;顽皮的孩子们在人群里钻来钻去,高兴地叫喊着:“烧洋鬼子的大烟了,快到虎门滩去看哪!” 1.这一段交代了事件发生的时间:________________;地点:______。2.用“____”画出布告的内容。3.请用“ ”画出国人的表现,我想用“________”这个词来形容这个场面。4.请概括这段的段意。________________________________________________________________________
英语 试题推荐