
阅读理解Aaronhas performed in Germany, Korea, the Czech Republic and across the UnitedStates. His back flip (翻) earnedhim a place in Guinness World Records. Aaron doesn't use askateboard to do his tricks. He sticks a perfect four wheeled landing with hiswheelchair. That's quite an accomplishment for a kid who was born with spinabifida, a developmental birth defect (缺陷) that made himeven unable to sit independently.Oneday, when he was eight, his friends encouraged him to roll down a shallow ramp(斜坡). It was a scary first ride. Aaroncrashed his hands, but he was attracted. Six mont(2011?蒙城县二模)某同学把断开开关的台灯的插头刚刚插进电源插座时,干路中的保险丝立即被熔断,若导线均完好,则发生这种情况的最大可能是台灯插头台灯插头短路;若只有在闭合台灯开关时,才发生上述情况,则引起故障的最大可能是台灯灯座台灯灯座短路.如图甲乙中的两种握法,正确的是甲甲.
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