
如图甲所示,某实验小组用该装置测量滑块与长木板间的动摩擦因数.用天平测出此时物块和遮光片的总质量M,将木板水平固定在桌面上,在木板左侧装一个光电门,绕过木板左端定滑轮的细线一端系在装有遮光片的滑块上,另一端挂上质量为m的钩码。a.先用刻度尺测量遮光片的宽度d,测量结果如图乙所示b.调节木板使之水平,调节定滑轮高度,使连接滑块的细线与木板平行c.将滑块静止在木板中间某个位置,记录滑块上遮光片的起始位置,测出On July 4,1986,Americans celebrated the Statue of Liberty’s(自由女神) 100th birthday.Parades,speeches,fireworks,and other activities contributed to the great joy of the event.The celebration caused reporters and the 1ocal people to 1ook back a century to the similar great joy that marked the official opening of the statue.The Statue of Liberty was completed in 1886,but the story began earlier.The idea for a statue was first suggested at a dinner party by Edouard de Laboulaye, a French historian .A guest at the party was Frederic Bartholdi,a young sculptor. Most people who attended the dinner party soon forgot the idea,but Laboulaye and Bartholdi remembered it.In 187l, Bartholdi came to the United States to interest Americans in a statue that would link France and the United States in friendship.Many people in France had  already been persuaded and contributed money to the project.Americans were also persuaded to build a fund (基金)for the statue.Much of the money came from school children. After the idea had been accepted,Bartholdi set to work. He worked hard for many years.His friend Laboulaye died before the statue was completed.At last,in 1885,the statue was sent to the United States.It had to be shipped in sections and then put together for its weight and size. Ever since then, 1886,the Statue of Liberty has stood as a symbol of freedom to millions of immigrants entering New York Harbor. 1.Bartholdi made his first trip to the United States to talk about the Statue of Liberty in________. A.1986             B.187l              C.1885             D.1886 2.The Statue of Liberty was shipped in sections because_______. A.it was too 1arge and heavy to move to USA as a whole B.USA had better means of putting it together than France C.the completed statue was a symbol of friendship for Americans D.putting it together cost less money and labour in USA 3.From the content,we may feel that the writer is _______when he is writing the passage. A.calm             B.curious           C.worried           D.Modest(谦虚) 4.Which of the following titles best summarizes(归纳) the content of the passage? A.Labou1aye and Bartholdi:Makers of the Statue of the Liberty B.How People Made the Statue of Liberty Possible C.The l00th Birthday of the Statue of Liberty D.The True Story of the Statue of Liberty
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