
网上有个段子很流行:每到年底,中国仿佛陷入一些西方媒体和悲观经济学家预测的那样,工厂停工、商店关门、老百姓把货币兑换成食物······他们怀疑这种现象是“经济危机”,而在中国,这叫“过年”。这则中式幽默的背后,让人不由得思考中国几十年来没有发生过经济危机的根本原因是() A . 社会的基本矛盾不是生产力与生产关系之间的矛盾 B . 在阶级关系上,没有出现无产阶级和资产阶级的对立 C . 没有生产社会化和生产资料资本主义quick go join hard rain see relaxed shop【1】It’s 5:00.p.m now! Do you want ____________ me for dinner.【2】Listen! This piece of music sounds so __________.【3】Peter never gets up early, so he always eats _____________ in the morning.【4】I always go ___________ with my friend Tracy on weekends.【5】Yunnan is a great place for vacation, I wish____________there again.【6】Look at the sunshine in the blue sky, it isn’t ______________ now.
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