
阅读理解Hi, Tommy, Guess what? I got an “A” on my English test. I always get good grades in English now and I'm sure this is because I often write letters to you in English. Most students in my class don't use English outside of the classroom or in their homework. It's a foreign language for them. For me, it is a second language, because I read a lot in English and I write letters to you in English, too. The weather is very cold here but I love snow. There is also a lake near my home. I often skate on the lake in winter because it freezes in winter and the ice is thick enough to skate 阅读下面这条消息,概括出新中国成立60周年国庆首都阅兵的4个特点。《每点不超过20字,包括标点符号) 新华网消息,新中国成立60周年国庆首都阅兵展示了56个方(梯)队,其中徒步方队14个,装备方队30个,空中梯队12个。与1999年国庆首都阅兵相比,减少了徒步方队,增加了装备方队;减少了陆军方队,增加了海军、空军、第二炮兵等军兵种方队;减少了参阅兵力总体规模,增加了高技术和特种兵方队。阅兵将展示的52型主要装备,全部是国产装备,大部分是首次参阅,其中包括预警机、新一代战车、新型雷达、无人机和卫星通信等先进的信息化装备。受阅部队均来自战功卓著的英雄部队和在完成抗震救灾、反恐维稳、国际维和等多样化军事任务中表现出色的英模集体。受阅部队的主体是“80后”、“90后”新一代官兵。
英语 试题推荐