
小明使用Flash软件制作了主题为“战胜疫情”的多媒体作品,如下图所示。 请回答下列问题: (1) 创作多媒体作品需要进行需求分析和规划设计,下列属于需求分析的是(多选,填字母:A .了解用户的计算机应用水平/B .确定获取原始素材的方式/C .设计作品的主要界面/D .考虑作品创作及运行需要的硬件设施/E .确定作品的发布方式)。 (2) 通过查阅制作脚本,发现“按钮”图层的动画有误,要求按钮实例在最后一帧才出现,则应如何修When Columbus returned home with the news of his discovery, he was considered as the hero who had given a new world to Spain. Never had so great respect been shown to any   1   man.    But there were some who were jealous of(嫉妒) the   2  . “Who is this Columbus?” they asked, “and what has he done? Isn’t he a poor pilot from Italy? And could not any other seamen sail across the ocean just   3   he has done?”    One day Columbus was at a   4   and several of these fellows were   5   . They tried to make Columbus   6   . “You have discovered strange lands   7   the sea,” they said.“But we don’t see   8    there should be so much said about it. Anybody can sail across the ocean; and anybody can coast along the islands on the other side, just as you have done. It is the   9   thing in the world.”    Columbus made no answer: but after a while he took an egg from a dish and said to the people at the table, “Who   10   you, gentlemen can make the egg stand   11   ?” One by one they tried the   12  . When the egg had gone entirely around and everyone had   13   , all said that it could not be done. Then Columbus took the egg and   14   its small end gently upon the table so as to   15   the shell a little. After that there was no   16   in making it stand   17  ,“ Gentlemen,” said he, “What is easier   18   to do this which you said was   19   ? It is the simplest thing in the world.Anybody can do it—AFTER HE HAS BEEN SHOWN   20   .” 1. A.common B.great C.respectable D.noble 2. A.inventor B.traveler C.discoverer D.bravery 3. A.because B.as C.like D.since 4. A.palace B.hotel C.counter D.dinner 5. A.present B.at present C.kind- hearted D.invited 6. A.happy B.satisfied C.uncomfortable D.disappointed 7. A.beside B.along C.in D.beyond 8. A.why B.how C.whether D.that 9. A.hardest B.wonderful C.simplest D.strange 10. A.besides B.among C.including D.except 11. A.by B.still C.weight D.on end 12. A.experiment B.egg C.method D.result 13. A.succeeded B.failed C.experience D.chance 14. A.beat B.felt C.touched D.struck 15. A.protect B.crush C.break D.damage 16. A.trouble B.time C.shell D.gravity 17. A.downward B.upward C.easily D.upright 18. A.as to B.if C.than D.compared 19. A.possible B.impossible C.difficult D.easy 20. A.HOW B.WHEN C.IT D.HIM  
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