
阅读理解Shopping is one of the best ways to relax after a stressful week. Nothing is more satisfying than finding a perfect item -- and when I'm bored with shopping for clothes I move on to make-up and shoes. I never shop in sales -- the reason the items haven't sold at full price is usually because they are badly made or horrible colors. --Blanca I hate shopping and it bores me enormously. I really cannot understand such a useless and expensive habit. I only shop for clothes when I can't get out of it and when I do, I make sure I buy good quality and as much as I can afford, to put off ha根据所给材料的内容,在下面划线处补写恰当的句子。要求内容贴切,语意连贯,逻辑严密,语句通顺,不超过30字。(6分)阅读文学作品,我们往往会有这样的感受:对作品中一些字词的理解可以借助字典辞典,但不能依赖字典辞典。例如“白日”,辞典注曰“太阳”。但熟悉古典诗歌的人都会感到这个词以“白”形容“日”,似乎强调了“日”的亮度。左思说“皓天舒白日,灵景耀神州”,鲍照说“白日正中时,天下共明光”。“白日”是“太阳”,但是经过诗人反复使用后,它已带有一种光亡万丈的气象。王之涣的《登鹳雀楼》一开头说“白日依山尽”,虽然写的是夕阳,但因用了“白日”这两个字,仍给人以辉煌灿烂的感觉。由此,我们是不是可以得出一个结论:___________________。
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