
化学与生活密切相关。“洁厕灵”和“84消毒液”是两种常见的生活用品。两者混合会产生有毒的氯气,其反应的方程式为:NaClO+2HCl=NaCl+Cl2↑+X。请回答以下问题: (1) X是由构成的物质(填“分子”或“原子”或“离子”)。 (2) NaCl中Na+的结构示意图为。 (3) 标出NaClO中氯元素的化合价。根据文章意思,填出文中所缺单词。 There is a shopping mall near my home. People often do ________there. There is a shoe store. It ________shoes. There is a bookstore. You can ________books in it. There is a clothing store. There are many beautiful ________in it. There is a green-grocery. It sells all kinds of ________. There is a.… The shopping mall is open all day long. People are very happy .
化学 试题推荐