
People usually eat dinner at 9:30 (or / and) 10:00 in Spain. 答案:【1】or根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。A.He doesn’t like his class.B.Don’t forget Sally’s party tonight.C.It starts at 2:00.D.Do you have time later?E.I don’t want him to fall behind.F.Will you attend the party?G.I’ll decide for him.Lisa: Hi, Mandy. What are you doing right now?Mandy: I’m getting ready to bring Willy to his computer class.【1】Lisa: Why is your son in so many different classes.Mandy: 【2】Lisa: But does he like all those classes?Mandy: He is too young to know what he likes.【3】Lisa: 【4】 Around 3:00.Mandy: Sorry, I don’t. Willy’s class ends at 3:00. And I promised him that I would take him swimming. Lisa:【5】Mandy: No, I won’t. I’ll be there on time.
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