
根据短文下面的家谱图,补全短文中的单词。Look at my family t. Dave Smith and Maria Smith are my g. They have two s, Philip and Harry. My mis Ellen. She is very good. Mary is Harry's wife (妻子).I call Harry and Mary uand a. They have two d, Lucy and Lily. They are my c. This is Kate, my s. Oh, can you guess who I am? My name is PSmith.根据短文提示完成家谱图。 答案:【1】(t)ree【2】(g)randparents【3】(s)ons【4】(m)other【5】(u)ncle【6】(a)unt【7】(d)aughters【8】(c)ousins【9】(s)ister【10】eter【11】Maria【12】Ellen【13】Mary【14】Smith【15】Lily号召全世界无产阶级联合起来,为获得自己的解放而斗争的文献是(    ) A.《权利法案》                    B.《人权宣言》  C.《独立宣言》                    D.《共.产.党宣言》
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