
材料一 金属工具,尤其是铁制工具的使用, 对原始社会的解体和奴隶制国家的产生和巩固,起了重要的推动作用。当时,在家长制大家族构成的父系氏族制度下,金属工具,尤其是铁制工具的出现和劳动技术的改进,显著地提高了劳动生产率,使原来以氏族为单位的集体生产。逐步分解成以家庭为单位的个体生产,生产由公共的事情变成各家的私事,生产资料和产品也随之变成私有财产。这样,原始社会内部产生了私有制。 材料二在古罗马,奴隶没 A/Hl Nl Flu Continues to Spread Worldwide BEUING,May l0(Xinhua)一The A/H1 N1 continues to spread(传播)around the world as the disease has been confirmed(证实) in more than 4.150 people in 45 countries.     Canada and Costa Rica confirmed their first death case on Saturday,so there are altogether 4 countries which have reported confirmed human death cases.     In Costa Rica, a 53-year-old man became the first death case of the A/Hl N1 flu.In the Canadian province of Alberta.local health government said the A/Hl N1 caused the death of a woman in her 30s who died late April.     But health officials said that both patients and the two deaths in the U.S.were having other health problems when they infected(感染)the disease.     In Tokyo,a high school teacher and two teenage students tested positive for the disease at the airport after returning from a school trip to Canada.     Australia’s local health government said Saturday that an Australian woman arriving in Sydney from Los Angeles tested “weak positive”.becoming the country’s first case.     Also on Saturday New Zealand.the first country in the Asia—Pacific area to confirm A/Hl N1 flu cases.reported two more on Saturday.     Mexico on Saturday raised the confirmed death to 48.(75)Schools in the capital Mexico City will start classes again on Monday, while two states in which new deaths have just appeared will continue the closing of schools for another week.     Are there ways to reduce(减少)the spread of the disease?  “Cover your noses and mouths  when you cough or sneeze.wash your hands often.Avoid(避免)getting in touch with infected people,”New York health officials said. 根据文章内容完成下列任务。 ◇根据短文内容回答问题。 1.How many capital cities are mentioned(提到)in this passage? And what are they?     ______________________________________________________________ 2.In which four countries are death cases found? ______________________________________________________________ 3.Why did a teacher and two students in Tokyo get infected?     ______________________________________________________________ 4.What else should we do to reduce the spread of the disease besides avoiding getting in touch with infected people?     ______________________________________________________________ ◇将文中画线部分译成汉语。 5.______________________________________________________________
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