
阅读理解Sperm WhaleKiller WhaleLength15 meters8 metersWeight35 ton3,600 kgTail8 meters6 metersSkillcan dive into thedeep cold watergood swimmer;can jumpout of the water (1) ( )A sperm whale is shorter than a killer whale in it's length. (2) ( )A sperm whale is heavier than a killer whale. (3) ( )A killer whale's tail is about 8 meters long. (4) ( )A killer whale's tail is shorter than a sperm whale. (5) ( )A sperm whale can jump out of the water.18.读下面一段文字,根据拼音填写相应的汉字。(用正楷依次写在田字格内)    就像一个和xié谐的大家庭,那么多的星星亲mì密地依偎在一起,不管大的小的、远的近的,谁也离不开谁,就是云彩zhē遮住了它们,它们也会躲在后面yìyì熠熠发光。
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