
上学路上,小明刚要过马路,对面开来一辆车( ) A . 停下来等车过去再走。 B . 先跑过去。 答案:A       You’ve heard the saying: if you don’t know where you’re going, how will you know when you get there. Thousands of successful people attribute most of their success to goal setting. Knowing this, why don’t the majority of people set goals? Goal setting starts within you. You have to believe it’s possible to do a thing before you will have a strong desire to write it down on paper and take steps to make it happen. How do you possibly bring yourself to believe in your own success? After all, so many of you have been at this success thing for a while and it still hasn’t happened to you. Companies that you believed in and worked hard for having failed, your family and friends are waiting for you to “be realistic”, and life just keeps giving you one blow after another. But there is a small fire burning inside of you. You keep at it because all you know is you can’t continue to get up every morning, go to work for someone else and allow them to determine how much you’re worth each week which is far below your true value. So where do you go from here? Where do you start today? The road to inner belief in your success begins with you telling yourself every day, throughout the day, that you can do what you set out to do, you can have what you set out to get, and you can be that successful person you know that lives inside you. Yes, obstacles will come, doubters will be around, but don’t you be one of them. Treat yourself like the person you love and care about most. If you had children who had a paper route and they wanted to accomplish a goal but they kept running into obstacles, what would happen? They would soon become discouraged with so many people telling them no. I’m not interested in what you have to offer. What would you say to your child? I’m sure it won’t be the same thing you’ve been saying to yourself. Turn your words around. Speak those same words of encouragement you would speak to your discouraged child, to yourself, If you would never put a loved one down, especially when they are feeling discouraged why would you do that to yourself? You have the power within to stop it right now and turn it around. Be committed(表示出明确意图的)from this point forward, to speak words of encouragement to yourself. The mind is an amazing thing. You can convince yourself of anything over time. If you repeatedly tell yourself every day, throughout the day, how successful you are, how capable you are, you will not only start to believe it, you will start to live it. 1.What does the author mean by saying “Turn your words around?”        A.You should speak words of encouragement to your discouraged child.        B.You shouldn’t put a loved one down.        C.You should encourage yourself.        D.You should change the subject of the conversation. 2.4.6   2.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?        A.Thousands of successful people owe most of their success to goal setting.        B.The majority of people set goals in order to succeed.        C.We can bring ourselves to believe in our own success.        D.We should say words of encouragement to ourselves. 3.According to the author, how should you treat yourself?        A.Treat yourself like an innocent child.        B.Treat yourself like a hero who can do everything.        C.Treat yourself like a fool who can’t achieve anything.        D.Treat yourself like the person you care and love most. 4.In the eyes of the author,            is what you should do to set a goal.        A.being ambitious to do whatever you like to do.        B.telling yourself time and again that you can do it        C.treating yourself like the person you love and care about most        D.convincing others that you are quite capable
道德与法治 试题推荐