
阅读材料,回答问题。人类社会的每一次进步,人类思想的每一次飞跃,总伴随着理论和实践的相互激荡、共进同行。习.平新时代中国特色社会主义思想作为当代中国马克思主义、21世纪马克思主义,深刻回答了新时代党和国家发展面临的一系列重大理论和现实问题,贯穿着强烈的问题意识、鲜明的实践导向。特别是在刚刚过去的极不寻常的2020年,新冠肺炎疫情突如其来,洪涝灾害多地发生,经济发展备受冲击,外部环境风高浪急,来自政治、经济    Chinese construction workers digging a hole for a power station at Taiyuan - the capital of North China’s Shanxi Province have found an ancient tomb in which here is one of the biggest bronze cauldrons(铜锅) ever found in China.The three- legged cauldron, dating back 2500 years, is 1.1 meters in diameter, and was found along with some 500 other burial objects from the Spring and Autumn Period (700- 476 B.C.) 1.The construction workers were ________ when they found an ancient tomb. A.constructing a tunnel B.building station which would produce electricity C.digging a hole through which water would flow to irrigate the plants D.digging a field for planting 2.What was in the ancient tomb? A.A large bronze cauldron and 500 other objects. B.Several bronze cauldrons. C.Only a large bronze cauldron. D.A three- legged bronze cauldron. 3.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A.The three- legged bronze cauldron was the only biggest once over found in China. B.The writer told us the exact diameter of the three- legged cauldron. C.We dont’ know where the other cauldrons were found. D.The writer didn’t tell us all the bronze cauldrons were of the same size.  
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