
短文填空 Here is a photo of my family. In this photo, my family are allhome. My father is TV. My grandfather isnewspapers(报纸). My grandmother isto my mother. I'mmy homework. And my sister is to music. Oh, is my little brother ? He is playing computer gamesthe Internet. We are doing our different. And we are happy. 答案:【1】at【2】watching【3】reading【4】talking【5】doing【6】listening【7】what【8】doing【9】on【10】things卢沟桥事变后,日本青年大量参军,母送子、妻送郎的场景比比皆是。此现象的 出现主要是由于 A.法西斯主义的狂热和军国主义的煽动       B.日本人把参军作为解决失业的选择 C.日本利益受到别国威胁,保家卫国         D.反击美英的禁运与封锁
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