
根据短文内容填空,每空一词。 Do you know the weather in Henan? There are four seasons in Henan. The weather in Henan is not the same in four seasons. It is warm in spring. People like to climb mountains. In spring, a lot of children go out to plant (种植) some trees. What's the weather like in summer? Well, it is bot in summer. People like to go swimming in summer. It is cool in autumn. Sometimes it is windy. People like to go on a trip in autumn. How's the weather in winter? It is cold in winter. Sometimes it snows. People always wear warm clothes in winter. The old pe14﹣16世纪欧洲资本主义萌芽出现产生了一系列的连锁反应,下列与资本主义萌芽无关的历史事件是(  )A. 新航路的开辟B. 美国内战C. 文艺复兴D. 殖民扩张
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