
阅读理解Few fruits carry more health-promotingantioxidants (抗氧化剂) than blackcurrants(黑 加仑 ) .Widely grown in cooler parts of Europe, they are in high demand from consumersseeking chemical-free juices made from the berries. Farmers, though, can struggle to increaseproductions without relying on chemicals.That could change, not just for blackcurrants butother fruit too,withthe careful use of probiotics(益生菌) . Probiotics is mostly known for its useof tiny 1iving things, including certain bacteria, to restore or improve thedigestion in people and animals. But pl下列各组单项式中,是同类项的是 ( )A.-a2与(-a) 2B.2a2b与C.xyz与2xyD.3x2y与3x2z
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