
情景阅读。阅读短文,选择正确的答案。繁忙的—天Chen Jie is very busy every day. She gets up early in the morning, because she has to play sports and read English. After breakfast, she rides her bike to school. She has four classes in the morning and three classes in the afternoon, At 6: 00 p. m. , she has to learn to play the piano. Then she goes home and eats dinner. She usually goes to bed at 10: 30 after finishing her homework. She feels very tired every day. (1) Chen Jie is . A . a teacher B . a doctor C . a student (2) Chen die doesn't be文言文阅读愚人食盐昔有愚人,至于他家①。主人与②食,嫌淡无味。主人闻已③,更④为益⑤盐。既得盐美,便自念言:“所以美者,缘有盐故。少有尚尔⑥,况复多也?”愚人无智,便空⑦食盐。食已口爽⑧,返⑨为其患。——选自《百喻经》(注释)①他家:别人家。②与:给予。③闻已:听罢。①更:又,另。⑤益:增加。⑥尚尔:尚且如此。⑦空:空口。⑧口爽:口味败坏。⑨返:反而,反倒。【1】下列句子中加点字解释错误的一项是( )A.至于他家(愚人)B.更为益盐(增加)C.况复多也(再)D.返为其患(通“反”,反而)【2】解释下列加点的词。(1)更为益盐 更: ____________ (2)至于他家 至于: ____________ (3)缘有盐故 故: ____________【3】用现代汉语翻译下面的句子。所以美者,缘有盐故。________________________
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