
阅读短文,选择正确答案。 Hello! My name is Jenny. I'm ten years old. I have a sister and a brother. My sister's name is Lynn. She is six years old. She is young. Her hair is red. She is short. My brother is very tall. His name is Bob. He is a student. (1) What is Jenny's sister's name? A . Bob. B . Lynn. C . Jenny. (2) How old is Lynn? A . Six. B . Nine. C . Ten. (3) Is Bob tall or short? A . Tall. B . Short. C . Tall and short. (4) How old is Jenny? A . She is eight years old. B . She is nine years old. C . She is ten 1、清朝著名思想家顾炎武说:“不廉则无所不取,不耻则无所不为。”荣辱倒错,是当前各种不正之风和消极腐败现象滋生蔓延的一个重要原因。这说明 A.社会存在决定社会意识,社会意识是对社会存在的反映 B.落后的社会意识对社会发展起阻碍作用 C.以耻为荣、以廉为耻的荣辱的错误意识不是对社会存在的反映 D.人类的活动是有意识有目的的活动
英语 试题推荐