
阅读短文及文后A-E选项,选出可以填入各题空白处的最佳选项。ChinaSurprises the World With New TechnologyMany years ago, China was always criticized by foreignersfor copying their technology, which seemed that we lacked of (缺乏) creativity.. China surprises the world with its new technology. Manyforeigners feel shocked and enjoy the convenience brought by the Chinese wisdom.As the policy Belt and Road becomes the hot issue aroundthe world, foreign media focus their attention on this great old country. Manyforeigners tell the media that thiscountry is no longer poor a读右面四幅图片,回答问题:(1)图中分别代表的少数民族是:A______族   B______族C______族   D______族(2)“天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊”是对图______(填字母)中______民族聚居的环境的描述.(3)B图的舞蹈是______;由此,可以判定,该民族生活的地理环境应该是______A.干旱地区           B.寒冷地区C.热带地区           D.交通发达地区.
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