
根据短文内容,从方框中选岀能填入空白处的最佳选项(其中有两个多余选项)。 A. Set aside time to read together. B. Ask your children about their favourite books. C. Reading together is a perfect way to relax before bedtime. D. This special place may push your children to start to love reading. E. Here are some useful ways to help make your children love reading! F. Let them have fun around there and they can choose whatever excites them. G. Let your children read alone. If yourchildren are learning to read, it's wonderful! Whatever they're reading小王同学不慎患上流感,并传染给了小刘同学.从传染病流行的基本环节分析,小刘同学在患病前和患病后分别是( )A.传染源、传播途径B.易感人群、传染源C.传播途径、传染源D.易感人群、易感人群
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