
在中共十六大上,“三个代表”重要思想被确立为中国共.产.党的指导思想。下列不属于“三个代表”思想的是( ) A . 代表中国先进生产力的发展要求 B . 代表中国特色社会主义的建设理念 C . 代表中国最广大人民的根本利益 D . 代表中国先进文化的前进方向 答案:B 阅读理解   When he was a teenager, Hunter Adams was very unhappy, and he spent many years in the 1960s and 1970s in a special hospital for people with mental health problems.   When he left hospital, Adams decided to become a doctor, so he went to a medical school in Virginia, in America. But when he was there, he did things in different ways. For example, he didn't like the doctors' white coats, so he wore shins with flowers on them when he visited his patients, and he tried to make them laugh. The doctors at the medical school didn't like Adams very much because he was too different.   Adams believed that people in hospital need more than just medicine. He saw unhappy and lonely people, and he tried to help them, not just as patients, but as people too. He spent a lot of time with children in hospital, and often put a special red nose on his face so he looked like a clown(小丑)and made the children laugh.   When he finished medical school and became a doctor, Adams opened his own hospital, called The  Gesundheit  Institute, with some other doctors.They wanted it to be a place with a different way of working with sick people.   Hunter Adams became famous during the l980s, and in 1998, Universal Pictures made a film about his life. It was very successful.In the film, Robin Williams played Adams.Williams said。“said,”Hunter is a really warm person, who believes that patients need a doctor who's a  friend. I enjoyed playing him.” (1) Why did Hunter Adams go to Virginia? [  ] A. He had mental health problems. B. He wanted to be a doctor. C. He did things differently. D. He wanted to work there. (2) Adams wore shins with flowers on them because ________. [  ] A. he didn't want to wear a white coat B. all doctors liked that kind of shirt C. the doctors didn't like him D. he was told to do so by the hospital (3) Adams thought that many people in hospital ________. [  ] A. didn't need medicine B. wanted to make friends with doctors C. weren't nice people D. were unhappy and lonely (4) Adams started The Gesundheit Institute ________. [  ] A. with some other doctors B. on his own C. with different sick people D. to make more money (5) Why did Universal Pictures make a film about Hunter Adams? [  ] A. Because he was very rich. B. Because Robin Williams was his friend. C. Because he was a famous person. D. Because children wanted to see him in the film.
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