
完形填空 As a child, I was told that a wise person is the one who learns from everyone. It is a great way to live by this 1 — One begins to look at people very 2 and he no longer puts others 3 in order to feel good about himself. Living in China 4 me with many wonderful opportunities to put this principle into practice. China is quite5 and as a Westerner, it's easy for me to consider many of the local habits as “strange” and even “rude”. However, slowly I began to 6 a lot about the culture and about where many of their 7 came from. I decided to make an effort to meet people and 下列各句中,没有语病的一句是( )(2分)A. 能否真正实现自主学习,是一个人成才的关键因素。B. 英语对于我不感兴趣,我真的没办法学好它。C.拆除违法建设,构建和谐金华。D. 为避免行人再发生交通违章行为,各地交警部门加强了对行人违章的劝导和执法力度。 
英语 试题推荐