
阅读理解Chinese sportspersons did a great job at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, winning 88 medals in total. But did you know the cool technologies - even space technologies - behind their success?Quan Hongchan won the gold in diving. This 14-year-old new star said an AI training system helped her train. Baidu developed the system to record a diver's body posture (姿势). A diver lasts less than two seconds before getting into water from the diving board. But the AI can catch much important information, such as the diver's starting height, entry speed and so on. The information is sent to c我们知道晶体在凝固过程中放热且温度保持不变,根据这一特点,请在图中的坐标系中大致画出能描述晶体凝固的图象.
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