
阅读理解Inspector Sands tothe control room, please. If you ever hear that at a British trainstation, don't panic. But you might appreciate knowing that this is a codewordmeant to inform staff that there is an emergency somewhere in the building. Theidea is to avoid causing alarm among commuters (通勤者), but still get themessage out to those trained to deal with the problem.The subject of secretcodewords like this was raised this week on Reddit, and the discussion hasattracted thousands of examples. But what codewords and signs are really outthere in the wild?A good place to start ishos人民海关缉私巡逻艇在东海海域执行巡逻任务时,发现在其所处位置O点的正北方向10海里处的A点有一涉嫌走私船只,正以24海里/小时的速度向正东方向航行.为迅速实施检查,巡逻艇调整好航向,以26海里/小时的速度追赶,在涉嫌船只不改变航向和航速的前提下,问:(1)需要几小时才能追上(点B为追上时的位置)?(2)确定巡逻艇的追赶方向.(精确到0.1°)参考数据:sin66.8°≈0.9191;cos66.8°≈0.393sin67.4°≈0.9231;cos67.4°≈0.3846sin68.4°≈0.9298;cos68.4°≈0.3681sin70.6°≈0.9432;cos70.6°≈0.3322.
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