
阅读理解Iwas talking recently with my mom when our conversation reminded me of aninteresting story. This is very funny, I said. One time I wasdiving with my friend Rudy… Mymom cut me off impatiently. I've heard this one before, honey, shesaid. You don't need to tell it again.Storytellingis a signal of faith (信任) in the relationship.When we share our personal experiences, we also share something about ourvalues, our history, our outlook on life. But the benefits of storytelling onlywork if you're good at it—many of us are not. We fail to pay attention to ouraudience, ignoring them w 某溶液含有较多的Na2SO4和少量的Fe2(SO4)3,若用该溶液制取芒硝(Na2SO4·10H2O) ,可供选择的操作有:① 加适量H2SO4溶液;② 加金属Na ;③ 结晶;④ 加过量NaOH溶液;⑤ 加强热脱结晶水;⑥ 过滤。正确的操作步骤是A.②⑥③ B.④⑥①③ C.④⑥③⑤ D.②⑥①③⑤
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