
阅读材料,完成下列要求。目前,我国已拥有超4000万户企业主体,其中高新技术企业超22.5万家。由于受企业的交易制度、投资门槛等因素限制,投融资需求旺盛的高新技术企业出现了融资规模下降的现象。习.平主席在2021年中国国际服务贸易交易会全球服务贸易峰会上指出,我们将继续支持中小企业创新发展,深化“新三板”(是全国中小企业股份转让系统的简称,为全国性的非上市股份有限公司股权交易平台,主要针对的是中小微型企业)改革,根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。Chen Qingyuan, 13, is an ordinary student in Grade 8 in the United States. But he has made himself a “star” on WeChat! He has a public WeChat account ( ID: mgx0811) to share his life in the US, from study to after-class activities. He has about 1,200 followers. All his posts are original and he updates (更新)it almost every day.In the beginning, only a people read his stories. But he didn't give up. “Gradually, I realized that followers prefer things that are ‘useful' to . Parents are more interested in how to apply for US schools,” he said. For example, his most popular article was how to with interviews when applying (申请) for a US private high school. He shared his several interview experiences and gave suggestions. The article had more than 2,200 views and hundreds of reports.To write high quality articles every day, Chen worked very hard. He observed(观察)life , read a lot of books and even learned how to design pages. “I found everything in life could be written about. The key is to find a point and make it clear,” he said.Recently, he wrote an article about the between the first school day in the US and China. Through pictures, he showed that US students would receive many materials the first school day, including the Principal's Letter and various forms to fill in. While in China, students would have a class meeting to discuss their class rules for the new term or share their different experiences of the last vacation with each other. Many readers encourage and thank him by messages and money. So far he has received about 1,500 yuan. And he said he would keep writing at least until high school he wouldn't let his followers down.”
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