
鸟喙与取食。资料:1831年,达尔文乘“贝格尔号”军舰,从英国出发,对南美洲西海群岛进行为期五年的科学考察。在遥远的、与世隔绝的加拉帕格斯群岛,达尔文发现在这里栖息着十四种地雀。它们的共同祖先是从南美洲迁来的,然而每一种地雀的喙形和大小都各不相同。一个与世隔绝的群岛上居然有这么多种地雀,而且体型、喙和生活习性又都各不相同,让人觉得不可思议。达尔文发现的地雀喙的形状与所取食物类型如下: 喙的形状: 喙凿状 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。Today is my birthday. My friends all come to my home. They have gifts for me. Sarah gives me a beautiful doll. Mike gives me two books. Chen Chen gives me a nice skirt. I like them very much. I'm very happy. And I eat my birthday cake with my friends.(1)It's my birthday today.(2)John gives me two books.(3)Sarah has a gift for me.(4)I'm not happy.(5)I like the gifts very much.
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