
阅读理解Scientists from Imperial College London have found that usingvirtual reality(VR)headsets can reduce sensitivity to pain, by immersing(沉浸)people in icy Arctic scenery. In a study published in Pain Reports,a team from Imperial used VR video to reduce people's sensitivity to ongoingpain and sharp shooting pain. According to the researchers, the findings add to the growingevidence for the potential of VR technology to help patients with long-termpain. Beyond the distracting effect, they think VR may actually cause the body'sown inbuilt pain-fighting systems to start working. Dr Sam3.下列思想家在战国时期同时到各诸侯国应聘,你认为谁最容易成功(  )A.孟子B.荀子C.韩非子D.墨子
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