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1. 单选题
Mary used to   in the countryside, but now she is used to    in the city.
A . live; live B . live; living C . living; live D . living; living
2. 单选题
In Betty's opinion, Mark Twain isn't as ________as Confucius or Shakespeare.
A . more famous B . the most famous C . the more famous D . famous
3. 单选题
The head teacher didn't talk much, but his words made________ sense.
A . a B . an C . the D . /
4. 单选题
—This zoo isn't open to the public on Mondays,________?

—No,it isn't.

A . is it B . isn't it C . will it D . won't it
5. 单选题
The government in china has ended its one-child ________ and let one family have two children.
A . policy B . step C . method D . road
6. 单选题
_______ your umbrella, or you'll catch the cold on such a rainy day.
A . Take B . To take C . Taking D . Taken
7. 单选题
This TV play is very interesting. Why ________down and watch it?
A . don't sit B . not sit C . not to sit D . not you sit
8. 单选题
Teenagers should ______ to take care of themselves from a young age.
A . teach B . be teaching C . have taught D . be taught
9. 单选题
Not only my classmates but also my mother _________ getting interested in Korean stars.
A . is B . are C . has been D . were
10. 单选题
_________ exciting boat race it was! Many people watched it.
A . What a B . What an C . How D . How a