人教版英语高一必修2 Unit 3 Computers 同步练习

人教版英语高一必修2 Unit 3 Computers 同步练习
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1. 单选题
According to the art dealer, the painting ________ to go for at least a million dollars.

A . is expected B . expects C . expected D . is expecting
2. 单选题
—How long _____ at this job?        

— Since 1990.

A . were you employed B . have you been employed C . had you been employed D . will you be employed
3. 单选题
Once new difficulties ________ in our new job,we should learn to use our brains to solve them.
A . rise B . cause C . raise D . arise 
4. 单选题
Our game of basketball ________.We had been playing for about half an hour when it started to rain heavily.
A . has interrupted B . had interrupted C . was interrupted D . had been interrupted
5. 单选题
The board are discussing the possible ________ they can take of the present economic situation.
A . notice                         B . advantage C . use                       D . best
6. 单选题
He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his ________ was seen at its best when he worked with others.
A . advantage                  B . appearance C . qualification                D . character
7. 单选题
We can't ________ on having good weather for the outing.

A . evaluate                       B . calculate C . predict                         D . conclude
8. 单选题
__________ he didn't help me with my work instead,just __________.

A . In a way; in my way B . On a way; on the way C . In the way; on the way D . By the way; on my way
9. 单选题
—What a beautiful day!

—Yes,it's ________ that I'd like to take a walk.

A . such nice weather          B . so a nice weather C . such a nice weather  D . so nice weather
10. 单选题
Milu deer,a species with large horns,which used to be ________ in China long ago,is a rare animal nowadays.
A . ordinary                    B . common C . popular    D . usual