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1. 单词拼写(词汇运用)
I don't (在意) what others think.
2. 听力题
What does Nelly share with her brother?
A . B . C .
3. 听力题
What sport does Helen's sister like?
A . B . C .
4. 听力题
What does Larry often make the boy do?
A . B . C .
5. 听力题
Who is Jim?
A . Tim's cousin B . Tim's brother C . Tim's friend
6. 听力题
What is Li ping good at?
A . Playing soccer B . Playing tennis C . Playing basketball
7. 听力题
What does the girl's cousin look like?
A . She has long straight hair. B . She has long curly hair. C . She has short straight hair.
8. 听力题
Who always do the same things?
A . Mike and Peter B . Peter and Jack C . Jack and Mike.
9. 听力题
What is Pedro' new pen pal like?
A . Quieter than Pedro. B . More outgoing than Pedro. C . More serious than Pedro.
10. 听力题
  1. (1) What color is Scott's T-shirt?
    A . Red. B . Blue. C . Green.
  2. (2) When did Scott win the competition?
    A . Last year. B . Last week. C . Last month.
  3. (3) What does Jill think of Alice's dress?
    A . It's cold. B . It's beautiful. C . It's too small.