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1. 单选题
—Let's go to the community if it       tomorrow.

—But nobody knows if it        tomorrow.

A . won't rain; rains B . doesn't rain,rains C . doesn't rain; will rain D . won't rain; will rain
2. 阅读理解

Once upon a time, a young man wanted to go to a village on business. Halfway there was a mountain. Before he left home, his family warned him to stay calm and climb onto trees if he met beasts(野兽). In this way, the beasts couldn't do anything to him.

The young man remembered these words and began his trip.

He walked for a long time carefully and found no beasts were out there. He thought his family's worries were unnecessary. And he became relaxed as he walked. Just at that moment, he saw a large tiger running to him and he climbed onto a tree nearby at once.

The tiger roared(咆哮) around the tree and even jumped to reach the man. The young man was too scared to hold the tree and fell right on the back of the tiger. Full of fear, he had to hold the tiger tightly. The tiger thought that must be a large beast. So it was afraid and started running madly.

People on the road didn't know what happened and said, "Look at the young man. He is riding a tiger!" "Cool!" "Superman!"

Hearing these words, the young man was almost crazy. "Why can't they see I'm suffering a lot?  Don't they understand I am in fear and almost scared to death?" he said to himself.

  1. (1) The young man went to the village to ______.
    A . climb a mountain B . do business C . ride a tiger D . climb onto trees
  2. (2) The young man's family warned him of ______.
    A . terrible traffic B . large beasts C . cold weather D . foolish people
  3. (3) The young man ______ when he saw the tiger.
    A . did what his family told him B . was not scared at all C . thought his family's advice was useless D . was too scared to climb onto the tree
  4. (4) The tiger thought the man was ______ so it started running madly.
    A . riding on it B . cool C . a large beast D . a superman
  5. (5) What do we know from the passage?
    A . What others said is not important. B . Don't give up when you are in trouble. C . Humans are more powerful than beasts. D . What you saw is not always true.
3. 翻译

I want to make my teacher me.

4. 翻译

, don't forget you are a Chinese.

5. 翻译

, it was David who scored two goals.

6. 翻译
7. 翻译
8. 单选题
President Xi Jinping paid       important visit to the US and was welcome by Donald Trump,      45th American president.
A . a; a B .   an; the C .   the; a D .   \; a
9. 单选题
—I wonder if this smart phone is Mary's?

—It        belong to her.       is almost similar to this one.

A . can't;Hers B . might;Hers C . mustn't;Her D . must; Her
10. 单选题
My father        play soccer, but now he        it anymore.
A . was used to; don't play B . used to; doesn't play C . is used to; isn't play D . was use; plays