北师大版高中英语高一上册模块2 Unit 6同步练习4

北师大版高中英语高一上册模块2 Unit 6同步练习4
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1. 选词填空(词汇运用)

cottage  rent  mercy  bathe  damp  narrow  garbage

  1. (1) Wipe the surface with a cloth.
  2. (2) They showed no to their enemies.
  3. (3) We're staying in a holiday in Dorset.
  4. (4) Can you take out the when you go out?
  5. (5) On hot days we often go in the river.
  6. (6) I pay a higher than the other tenants(房客) because my room is bigger.
  7. (7) The road was too for cars to pass.
2. 改错题
  1. (1) They live at the 18th floor.
  2. (2) He shared his chocolate to the other kids.
  3. (3) The concert will have to carried over till next week because the singer is ill.
  4. (4) In the evenings, we watched the TV or did some reading and never dreamed of going out.
  5. (5) There are many trees on both side of the road.
3. 语法填空
This is the way which we solved the problem.
4. 语法填空
 the time we arrived, the movie had already begun.
5. 语法填空
Don't dream thousands of reasons why you can't do what you want to; find one reason why you can.
6. 语法填空
a teacher's point of view, this dictionary will be helpful.
7. 语法填空
Diane's house is Cherrywood Street.
8. 翻译

It is not the house .

9. 翻译

 is that they set off very early.

10. 翻译

That is .