人教版(2019)高中英语必修第一册Unit 4 单元测试(2)

人教版(2019)高中英语必修第一册Unit 4 单元测试(2)
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1. 阅读理解

    Recently, we've been talking about how we need better teachers. There's no doubt that a great teacher can help in a student's achievement but here's what some new studies are also showing: We need better parents.

    Every three years, the organization called O. E. C. D. organizes exams as part of the Program for International Student Assessment (评估), or PISA, which tests 15-year-olds on their abilities to solve real problems. America's

    15-year-olds have not done as well as students in Singapore, Finland and Shanghai in the PISA exams.

    To better understand the reasons, the PISA team, starting with four countries in 2006, and then adding 14 more in 2009, went to the parents of 5,000 students. They interviewed them about how they raised their kids and then compared it with the test results for each of those years. Two weeks ago, the PISA team published the main finding of its study.

    15-year-olds whose parents often read books with them during their first year of primary school get much higher scores in PISA than students whose parents don't often read with them or not at all. Parents' concern for their children is strongly connected with better results in PISA.

    According to Schleicher, the leader of the team, just asking your children how their school day was and showing great interest in their learning can help a lot. It is something every parent can do, no matter what their education level is.

    The study found that getting parents concerned about their children's learning at home is more powerful than parents attending parent-teacher meetings, volunteering in classrooms, taking part in money-raising, and showing up at back-to-school nights.

    To be sure, nothing can replace a good teacher. But let's stop putting the whole responsibility on teachers. We also need better parents. Better parents can make teaching more effective (有效的).

  1. (1) In how many countries was the study done in 2009?
    A . 4. B . 14. C . 18. D . 40.
  2. (2) It is suggested in the study that parents should         .
    A . try to search for better teachers B . put the whole duty on teachers C . care about their children's school life D . ask their children to read more books
  3. (3) What's the best title for the passage?
    A . The Need for Better Parents B . The Importance of Teachers C . A Study by the PISA Team D . An Interview with Parents
2. 阅读理解

    We often hear stories of animals rescuing people. But now someone has managed to return the favor.

    The event took place one snowy January morning. Thomas Smith was walking his dog, Jack, in the park. "As I was walking, I just saw Jack running onto the ice towards the ducks in the middle, and then he fell into the water and couldn't climb out," said Smith. He realized he had no choice but to try and save his dog. "Someone else told me the lake was only one-meter deep, but it was at least twice that. I had to break my way through the 6-cm ice. Finally, I got Jack by the neck, and pulled him out. I don't think I have ever felt so cold by the time we got back to dry land. And when we got there, everyone was asking if Jack was okay-no one was particularly worried about me!"

    A neighbor, Julie Brown, saw it all happen. "The dog went onto an icy lake. All of a sudden, it started to go under. There were crowds of people around, and they were all shouting and screaming. Before I knew it, the owner (Smith) was in the water forcing his way through the ice. I can't begin to imagine how cold it was. Everyone was very nervous, but he was as cool as a cucumber —he just crawled back out, put the dog on its lead, and went home."

    Many regard him as a hero, but Mr Smith is quite laidback about it. "Most dog owners are the same as me. They would do what I did without a second thought. But in the future, I'm going to make sure he's on a lead near any icy ponds. Pets are members of our family. Would you do the same for them?"

  1. (1) What happened on a cold January morning?
    A . Mr Smith met Jack in the park. B . Mr Smith ran after Jack on the ice. C . Jack fell from the ice into the water. D . Jack played with the ducks in the water.
  2. (2) The underlined phrases "as cool as a cucumber" in Paragraph 3 means          .
    A . relaxed B . proud C . shy D . brave
  3. (3) What is the best title of the passage?
    A . A Man's Pet Dog B . A Dog's Best Friend C . The Danger on the Icy Lake D . Suggestions for Pets' Owners
3. 阅读理解

    I owe my father a huge thank you! Sure, I need to thank him for all those years of paying my bills, fixing my bikes, and providing a shoulder to cry on. But this year I realized that his contributions to my childhood were much more than that.

    I grew up as Daddy's Little Girl. If I had a problem that needed fixing or a question that needed answering, he was the one I ran to. He helped me get through everything from math homework as a high school student to career choices as a young adult. He always expected that I do my best in whatever I did, and he believed I could succeed in anything I put my mind to. As a result, I learned to hold myself to those same standards. He always showed me unconditional love, which helped me learn to love myself. It was something I'd taken for granted until I realized from talking with my friends that they had no similar view of their self worth. Having fathers that didn't believe in them left them to grow up not believing in themselves.

    As I was growing up, my father also modeled how a woman should be lavished. He treated my mom with love and respect. As a result, I grew to expect nothing less than that from the men I dated and from the man I would eventually marry. Dad was a living picture of godliness (虔诚) , honesty and responsibility. It was only recently that I realized what a deep effect fathers have on their daughters' lives. That is why I want to thank my dad for the godly example of love that he has been to me throughout my life.

  1. (1) From the second paragraph,the author thinks it is the most valuable that        .
    A . her father was very strict with her. B . her father helped her a lot in every way. C . nothing was difficult if her father was on her side. D . Father's trust deeply influenced her self-confidence.
  2. (2) What does the underlined word "lavished" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
    A . Loved. B . Respected. C . Treated. D . Spoiled.
  3. (3) Who would the author turn to when in trouble?
    A . Her friends. B . Her mother. C . Her husband. D . Her father.
  4. (4) The feeling the author wants to express to her father in this text is       .
    A . grateful B . sad C . proud D . pitiful
4. 任务型阅读

    Swim safely!

    Swimming is great exercise, and a trip to a pool or beach is a good way to have fun with friends in summer. , so it's important to stay safe as you do it. Here are a few things you can do to swim safely.

    . Don't swim unless there is a life guard at work. If you're on a beach near the ocean, this is especially. In some places fast-flowing water can move swimmers away without warning. So if a sign says "no swimming", pay attention to it.

    Be careful when diving (跳入) into the water headfirst. . In natural water, don't dive unless you know that the water is deep enough. Or you could hurt your head on the bottom, causing injury or death.

    Around water, adults should watch children at all times to make sure they are safe. Those who don't know how to swim should wear life jackets. But by themselves they are not enough, so an adult should always be present. If you have to rescue a child from drowning (淹), a few seconds can make a big difference.

    Make sure you have a friend with you whenever you swim. , that person can make sure you get help.

    Drink a lot water. The sun's heat and the physical activity may make you sweat (出汗) more than you realize.

    By following these simple rules,you can make sure your swim time is safe as well as fun. !

A. That way if something goes wrong

B. Now get out there, and enjoy the water

C. Swim only in areas set apart for swimming

D. Make sure everyone in your family swim well

E. But sometimes swimming can also be very dangerous

F. Most pools have marked deep ends where diving is safe

G. Many children who drown in home pools were out of sight within minutes

5. 完形填空

    It was a busy morning,about 8:30, when an elderly gentleman in his 80s came to the hospital. I heard him saying to the nurse that he was in a hurry for an appointment (约会) at 9:30.

    The nurse had him take a 1 in the waiting area, 2 him it would be at least 40 minutes 3someone would be able to see him. I saw him 4 his watch and decided I would examine his wound, since I was 5 busy-my 6 didn't come at the appointed hour. While taking care of his wound, I asked him 7 he had another doctor's appointment.

    The gentleman said no and told me that he 8 to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his 9. He told me that she had been 10 for a while and that she had a special disease. I asked if she would be 11if he was a bit late. He replied that she 12 knew who he was, and that she had not been able to 13 him for five years now. I was 14 and asked him, "And you 15 go every morning, even though she doesn't know who you are?"

    He smiled and said, "She doesn't know me, but I know who she is." I had to hold back 16 as he left. Now I 17 that in marriages, true love is acceptance of all that is. The 18 people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just 19 the best of everything they have. 20 is not about how to live through the storm, but how to dance in the rain.

A . breath B . seat C . test D . break
A . telling B . promising C . understanding D . persuading
A . if B . after C . since D . before
A . taking off B . fixing C . looking at D . bringing
A . very B . also C . seldom D . not
A . patient B . doctor C . nurse D . friend
A . when B . where C . why D . whether
A . needed B . forgot C . agreed D . happened
A . daughter B . wife C . mother D . sister
A . late B . well C . around D . there
A . lonely B . worried C . doubtful D . hungry
A . so far B . neither C . no longer D . already
A . recognize B . answer C . believe D . expect
A . interested B . disappointed C . surprised D . satisfied
A . only B . then C . thus D . still
A . imagination B . tears C . words D . excitement
A . realize B . suggest C . hope D . prove
A . happiest B . richest C . healthiest D . luckiest
A . learn B . make C . favour D . try
A . Adventure B . Beauty C . Trust D . Life
6. 语法填空

    I don't think it's my parents' job to check my homework. Since we have already grown up, we cannot act like little  (baby) and depend on our parents all the time. We must learn to be  (independence).

    I remember when I was in Grade Three, my parents  (ask) me to check my homework by myself. I didn't know what to do at first, so I only cried. But after that, I got used to  (check) my own homework in my studies.

    Checking homework by ourselves is  good habit. It can help us find mistakes in exams more  (easy), it can also save the teachers a lot of time  they check our homework, and it can also let our parents worry  (little) about our studies.

    Some day in the future, Mum and Dad  (leave) us. So we should start to learn to do everything by  (we) and really understand how important independence is.

7. 书面表达
为配合我市开展“创建文明城市 (build a civilized city) ”活动,学校举办以“How to Behave Well?”为主题的英语征文比赛。现在请你根据提示内容,用英语写一篇参赛短文。









8. 书面表达

    I remember the first time I met Roy. He was telling a joke. When he reached the final line, everyone burst out laughing. "A popular boy," I thought to myself. My name is Daniel. I was the new boy in the class. There were 33 students in my new class, and most people weren't very interested in a shy new boy. Roy was kind to me. He often invited me to join his particular group, and we became good friends. We trusted each other and we could talk about personal matters.

    Five years later, Roy and I were still in the same class. But just under a year ago, Roy's father was knocked over by a car. He died a few days later. The family had difficulty with finance. Roy changed completely. He started losing friends, including me.

    About three months ago, a group of us were playing football together after school. Having left something in the classroom, I went inside to get it, and found Roy going through the pockets of people's coats. In his hand he had a wallet-and I knew it wasn't his! Roy went bright red. "I'll put it back right now," he said, and he did so. I turned round and walked out without saying a word. I really hoped that Roy would explain why he had been stealing, but instead he started avoiding me.

    Last week our school had a big fair in order to raise money for a charity and we made about £ 500. But to our surprise, the next morning, we were told that the money had been stolen. This morning I decided to ask Roy about the theft so I went to see him. Roy was out. I put his jacket on and put my hands in the pockets. I could feel a lot of paper notes and I pulled them out. It looked as if there was about £500 there. I was so surprised that I just stood there,holding the notes in my hand. At that moment,Roy walked in.






Paragraph 1

    Seeing me stand there with the money in my hand, Roy felt panicked (恐慌的).

Paragraph 2

    We went to the head teacher Mrs Smith, together.