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1. 单选题
Mr. Wang is coming to our school. I can't wait to see ________.
A . her B . him C . it D . them
2. 单选题
We planted some flowers ________ the garden yesterday.
A . on B . to C . in D . of
3. 单选题
—Excuse me, ________ is this T-shirt?

—It's 88 yuan.

A . how much B . how many C . how long D . how old
4. 单选题
—Lily, ________ you finish the letter in ten minutes?

—Yes, I can.

A . must B . should C . need D . can
5. 单选题
This cap is nice, ________ it doesn't look good on me.
A . for B . so C . but D . or
6. 单选题
Julie takes good care of the family dog. She is ________ than her brother.
A . patient B . more patient C . most patient D . the most patient
7. 单选题
Sam ________ with his friends every weekend.
A . skates B . is skating C . has skated D . was skating
8. 单选题
—Tom, what's your dad doing?

—He ________ my bike.

A . repairs B . will repair C . has repaired D . is repairing
9. 单选题
Our school life ________ a lot since 2017. We have more activities now.
A . changes B . changed C . will change D . has changed
10. 单选题
If you want to visit the Palace Museum, I ________ tickets for you tomorrow.
A . will book B . booked C . have booked D . was booking