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1. 听力题
Where does the woman live now?
A . In the heart of town. B . In the south of town. C . Near the center of town.
2. 听力题
What color suit did the man wear yesterday?
A . Brown. B . Green. C . Gray.
3. 听力题
How much does the man have to pay?
A . Five yuan. B . Ten yuan. C . Fifteen yuan.
4. 听力题
What will the two speakers probably do next?
A . Go to Mary's home. B . Go back home at once. C . Go and buy an umbrella.
5. 听力题
What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
A . Mother and babysitter. B . Teacher and student. C . Husband and wife.
6. 听力题
  1. (1) How will the man go to the station?
    A . By subway. B . By taxi. C . By bus.
  2. (2) What will the woman do?
    A . Catch a train. B . Visit her cousin. C . Go shopping.
7. 听力题
  1. (1) Where did the man probably work before?
    A . In a hospital. B . In a language school. C . In a French company.
  2. (2) How long will the man work at his new job?
    A . For about one year. B . For about two years. C . For about three years.
8. 听力题
  1. (1) How many persons planned to spend the weekend with the man?
    A . Two. B . Three. C . Four.
  2. (2) Why can't the woman go to Disneyland this weekend?
    A . She has to prepare for a test. B . She plans to see some old friends.    C . She wants to get some rest at home.
  3. (3) With whom will the man probably spend the weekend?
    A . Tom. B . Mike. C . Sam.
9. 听力题
  1. (1) Why didn't the woman answer the phone?
    A . She didn't take her phone with her. B . She didn't hear the phone ringing. C . She wants to get some rest at home.
  2. (2) What day is it today?
    A . Wednesday. B . Thursday. C . Friday.
  3. (3) What has the man prepared for Ann's birthday?
    A . A new CD B . A special gift. C . A surprising party.
  4. (4) What will Ann's pen friend do?
    A . Come to see Ann. B . Go to France tomorrow. C . Buy Ann a plane ticket.
10. 听力题
  1. (1) In which city did the speaker first meet Jenny?
    A . New York City. B . Los Angeles. C . Chicago.
  2. (2) How long did Jenny stay in the speaker's city?
    A . For one year. B . For six years. C . For ten years.
  3. (3) How did the speaker and Jenny keep in touch first?
    A . By writing letters. B . By chatting online. C . By making phone calls.
  4. (4) What happened to the speakers last month?
    A . She came across Jenny. B . She lost touch with Jenny.     C . She got in touch with Jenny online.