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1. 听力题
Where does the woman want to go?
A . To a school. B . To a park. C . To a hospital.
2. 听力题
What time is it now?
A . 8:00. B . 8:15. C . 8:30.
3. 听力题
What is Jack's sister's job?
A . A nurse. B . A student. C . A teacher 
4. 听力题
Why does Lucy like classical music?
A . Because it's fast. B . Because it's relaxing. C . Because it's loud.
5. 听力题
How does Kate feel about the chess club?
A . Crowded. B . Helpful. C . Popular
6. 听力题
  1. (1) What is the weather like in Nanjing now?
    A . Cloudy. B . Rainy. C . Snowy.
  2. (2) Why does Jane ask Daniel to speak louder?
    A . Because the wind is too strong. B . Because he speaks too quietly. C . Because there is a heavy snow.
7. 听力题
  1. (1) Which sweater does the woman want to buy?
    A . The blue one. B . The green one. C . The yellow one.
  2. (2) How many pairs of socks does the woman take?
    A . One. B . Two. C . Three.
  3. (3) How much does the woman pay in all?
    A . 3 dollars. B . 9 dollars. C . 12 dollars.
8. 听力题
  1. (1) How did Bill's family go to Hong Kong?
    A . By underground. B . By plane. C . By bus
  2. (2) Where did Bill meet cartoon characters?
    A . In the Disneyland. B . In the Ocean Park. C . At a restaurant
  3. (3) How long did the animal show last?
    A . One and a half hours. B . An hour. C . Half an hour.
  4. (4) Why did Bill's mother enjoy the fourth day best?
    A . She met Snow White. B . She took some photos. C . She did some shopping.
  5. (5) What did Bill think of the trip to Hong Kong?
    A . Boring. B . Interesting. C . Surprising.
9. 完形填空

On the first day of the college, a professor introduced an old lady, Miss Evans to everyone. Then what Miss Evans said greatly1her classmates:" There is a huge difference between growing2 and growing up. I am eighty-seven years old now. I can just stay home and do 3difficult living a peaceful life in old age. Next year I will turn eighty-eight. And I'm getting older. Growing up means always finding chances4_change. Facing challenge and trying to make one's dream5, leaving no regret in life. "

"I always dreamed of having a college education and now I'm getting one!" she said6 "If we only dream and take no action, then we get no7. But if we plan, set a goal(目标)and take action, then8life leads a different direction. "

"We do not stop playing9we are old. We grow old because we stop playing, " said Miss Evans. "Being happy and 10 success are the only two secrets to staying young."

Goals and11can lead you to achieve more in a year than what some people will achieve in a lifetime. Read many famous12people and you will see that goals and actions play a big role in their success.

You can do much more than you think13 you believe, remember, you can achieve. You can go as long as your mind lets you.

Remember the words of Miss Evans:" It's never too14to take action. The elderly usually don't 15 for what we did, but rather for things we did not do."

A . hurt B . destroyed C . controlled D . influenced
A . better B . older C . busier D . younger
A . nothing B . anything C . something D . everything
A . in B . for C . offer D . before
A . come out B . come down C . come back D . come true
A . proudly B . politely C . honestly D . nervously
A . way
B . idea C . problem D . progress  
A . my B . your C . our D . their
A . yet
B . and C . but D . because
A . avoiding B . achieving C . expressing D . discovering
A . plans B . wishes C . actions
D . dreams
A . rich B . brave C . lucky D . successful
A . Whoever
B . Whatever C . Whenever
D . wherever
A . far B . fast C . late D . easy
A . regret B . believe C . expect D . celebrate
10. 阅读理解

Winter sports need to be in cold places Have you ever imagined one day people go to other planes to hold the Winter Olympics?


It's the closest planet to the sun. In the daytime, the temperature can be up to 430℃. but at night it cools down to-200℃. There's one area that the sun can never reach. There's a lot of ice there. Maybe we can go speed skating and figure skating (花样滑冰) there!


The temperature on Mars is between. 140℃and 30℃. At the north and south poles of Mars, there are areas covered by ice and snow. There is also a big mountain called Mount Olympus. So maybe we can ski on Mars!

Pluto (冥王星)

Pluto is a dwarf planet far away from the sun. It's very cold there, about -229℃. There's a lot of ice. It's even harder than steel So maybe we can go sledding (滑雪械) on Pluto.

  1. (1) What's the lowest temperature at night on Mercury?
    A . 229℃. B . -200℃. C . -140℃. D . -30℃.
  2. (2) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
    A . People can ski on the mountain on Mars. B . The ice on Pluto is harder than steel so we can speed skate. C . On Mercury the highest temperature in the daytime is 30℃. D . The north pole of Mars is completely covered with ice and snow.
  3. (3) We can read the passage in the column (栏目)of ________in a magazine.
    A . Life B . News C . Health D . Sports