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1. 阅读理解

Not knowing where to take your kids for the approaching summer vacation? The following may make some reasonable destinations for you and your little ones in London.

Kids' Week

Misleadingly named Kids' Week, it runs for three weeks rather than one. 'The core attraction of Kids' Week is how affordable it makes West End Theatre: it allows a child aged up to 16 to go to the theatre for free when accompanied by a paying adult. Two other children can get half price tickets for the same show. After the shows, there are a series of free workshops and activities with backstage tours, fancy-dress tea parties and dance classes all on offer.

When: August 12—September 4

How much: 24.00 per person

The V&A Museum of Childhood

The V&A Museum of Childhood is really a spot for mums and dads to entertain their youths. It houses many childhood-related objects dating from the 1600s onwards. It's hard not to run into handmade toys or teddy bears passed down from generation to generation. A swell as a program of exhibitions, the museum offers the opportunity to take part in free activities every day, including storytelling sessions and arts and crafts classes.

When: Daily 10 a. m. —5:45 p. m.

How much: 43. 99 per person

Gorilla Circus School

It is a good place if you need to meet the desire to run away with the circus. This is a fun day out, but it definitely isn't easy. Held in diverse London parks during the summer—this year Regent's Park and Battersea park—the open-air school allows kids as young as six to practice on the trapeze(高空秋千). Lasting about 90 minutes, classes start with warm ups, before students complete some basic tricks. It's not aimed at anyone afraid of heights, speed, falling or exercise, but there are few other rules. The oldest member so far this year was 78, so you can join in too, and if you can' t make one of the outdoor summer sessions, you'll be able to join indoor classes from September.

When: August 27—September 4

How much: 22. 50 per person

  1. (1) If a couple with three small kids go to West End Theatre, they should pay ________ at least.
    A . 36 B . 48 C . 72 D . 60
  2. (2) What do Kids' Week and the V&A Museum of Childhood have in common?
    A . They are open every day. B . They are free to all children. C . Some activities are provided without charge. D . They have toys with a long history.
  3. (3) What do we know about Gorilla Circus School?
    A . It is available to both the young and the old. B . Anyone is welcome to it. C . It provides only outdoor activities. D . It is held in Regent's Park annually.
2. 阅读理解

As is known to all, natural disasters happen now and then in our life. When the tornado(龙卷风) passed, Lewis returned to her house after that awful night, and the Bible was the first thing she looked for. She had bought it 35 years earlier, at the start of her marriage. Like many folks, shed used it to preserve the family's history: decades-old photos, newspaper obituaries (讣告) of loved ones, a handkerchief from her great-grand-mother, even a piece of scarf her uncle had brought back from the Korean War.

The Bible was not where she'd last seen it, on top of an antique dresser in her bedroom. The only thing left was the solid pieces of marble (大理石) that had been on the top of the furniture. After an hour of searching, one of the volunteers ran up to her and found the Bible while clearing through ruins. She had tears streaming down her cheeks. It had flown about ten feet from the dresser. Surprisingly, while many books had been destroyed beyond recognition, the Bible was still intact, even though it had sat in the rain for days. "It was a miracle, "says Lewis.

A few of the Bible's treasures did go missing. Yet ever so slowly, they, too, began reappearing in Lewis' life. Days after the Bible was found, volunteers discovered one of the newspaper obituaries outside the home. 'Two weeks later, a neighbor found another newspaper clipping(剪辑) by her house. "It was a shock, "says Lewis.

Now the Bible already has its well-deserved place of honor, on the dresser. She knows that while every good book tells stories of disastrous weather and unlikely survival, this one actually lived it.

  1. (1) Why did Lewis search for the Bible first?
    A . It reminded her of her family's history and trees. B . There was a scarf to keep warm in the tornado. C . It kept things full of her family's memories. D . It was a valuable present at the beginning of her marriage.
  2. (2) What does the underlined word "intact" probably mean?
    A . unfolded B . undamaged C . unexpected D . fragile
  3. (3) What was last found after the tornado according to the passage?
    A . Decades-old photos. B . Pieces of marble. C . The newspaper obituaries. D . Newspaper clipping.
  4. (4) What is the best title for the text?
    A . The Bible Survives a Tornado. B . Family Treasures Are Along With Us. C . Antique Treasures Are Never Gone. D . The Bible Blesses Lewis' Family.
3. 阅读理解

Without realizing, we can tell who is likely to become a leader, automatically giving them more of our attention.

When a group of people who don't know each other meet for the first time, leaders naturally come out—it helps us solve many social challenges. We use signals like encouraging behavior and vocal cues(言语暗示) to infer leadership qualities. But Fabiola Gerpott at Vrije University Amsterdam in the Netherlands and her team wondered whether such signals caused more automatic changes in whom we concentrate on.

They filmed meetings held by teams who had never met before over a period of seven weeks. At the end of this time, independent advisers rated each team member on whether they had presented themselves as a leader or a follower. 'The researchers then edited the videos into 42 soundless clips(剪辑) and showed them to 18 new people. As the volunteers watched the videos, the researchers measured where they were looking, and for how long. They found that the volunteers looked more often, and for longer, at people who went on to become leaders within the group on average.

The team analyzed how the people behaved. 'They found that potential leaders used active gestures more often, such as constantly moving their bodies and large hand movements. They also had passive facial expressions less frequently, such as yawning or staring blankly. Smiling made no difference—both followers and leaders used positive facial expressions in equal amounts.

Gerpott's unpublished data suggests that talking a lot helps to signal leadership, but what a person says becomes more important over time. "Initially talking a lot and being present in the discussion is important, but as the discussion develops, it's more about what you say, "says Gerpott. "Being a solution-based person who doesn't focus on problems is what seems to pick you out as a leader."

  1. (1) In which way do we automatically recognize a leader according to Paragraphs 1 and 2?
    A . Whether the person can handle social problems. B . Whether the person can conduct effective communication. C . Whether the person's behavior is ambitious. D . Whether the person's actions provide inspiration.
  2. (2) What do the underlined words" the people" in Paragraph 4 refer to?
    A . The 18 volunteers. B . The independent advisers. C . The potential leaders. D . The team members being tested.
  3. (3) Which of the following is typical of a leader's body language in meetings?
    A . Yawning or staring blankly. B . Powerful gesture of the hand. C . Pleasant facial expression. D . Shaking the body now and then.
  4. (4) According to Gerpott, how is one likely to make a leader?
    A . By working on solving problems. B . By talking a lot in discussions. C . By devoting oneself to discussions. D . By concentrating on analyzing problems.
4. 阅读理解

Alexa is Amazon's cloud-based voice service available on hundreds of millions of devices from Amazon and third-party device manufacturers. With Alexa, you can build natural voice experiences that offer customers a way to interact with the technology they use every day.

Alexa is always eavesdropping(窃听). (So are Siri, Google Assistant, and any other virtual assistant you invite into your home.) This is and isn't as horrible as it sounds. Although it's true that the device can hear everything you say within range of its microphones, it is listening for its wake word before it starts recording. Once it hears that—"Alexa" is the default(默认), but there are other options—everything in the following few seconds is considered to be a command or a request and is sent to ( and stored on) servers in the cloud, where the correct response is triggered. Think of a smart speaker like a dog: It's always listening, but it understands only" cookie" "walk "or" Buddy". Everything else goes right over its head.

Every time Alexa hears a command, Amazon—its parent company—has just learned something about you. Maybe the company learned merely that you like to listen to the Police, or that you like funny jokes, or that you turn your lights off at 11 p.m. every night. lf you were to say" Alexa, where should I bury the body?" you're not going to have the police showing up at your door. (I know because I've tried it. )

Alexa does make mistakes. Sometimes this can be funny, such as when Alexa hears its wake word in a 'TV show. Other times it's more serious, including an instance in 2018 when Alexa mistakenly sent an entire private conversation to a random person's Echo device. Occasionally there are even humans listening to your request for weather reports or trying to figure out what you meant when you added" mangos teens" to your shopping list. Sound disturbing? You likely already agreed to it in the app's terms of use when you installed the device.

What bits of privacy are you willing to sacrifice for the convenience provided by a smart speaker? If you trust that Amazon's intentions are no more immoral than getting a better idea of what you want to buy on Prime Day, then you have your answer. If you worry about your private information falling into the hands of the wrong people, then you have another answer.

  1. (1) Why does the author mention dogs in paragraph two?
    A . To conclude smart speakers are sensitive to users' commands. B . To show smart speakers communicate with people in different ways. C . To indicate wake words for smart speakers are different. D . To show smart speakers recognize only specific words as wake words.
  2. (2) What does the third paragraph mainly talk about?
    A . The tech company is spying on users' everyday life. B . The tech company knows less than users imagine. C . The tech company turns a blind eye to some crimes. D . The tech company is interested in users' music taste.
  3. (3) What's the author's attitude towards Alexa?
    A . Approving B . Disapproving C . Neutral D . Indifferent
  4. (4) What does the author think of using smart speakers?
    A . It is a matter of time. B . It is mainly up to the potential users. C . Privacy matters a lot. D . Convenience should not be sacrificed.
5. 任务型阅读

Be on time. It's a simple command, and one you've probably heard since you were a child. But, as an adult, if you're habitually late, you run the risk of ruining your professional reputation—no matter how smart, competent, or capable you might be. Here are some reasons why it definitely does.

It Shows You Care

We live in an extraordinarily busy world. We schedule meetings and appointments back to back, constantly surrounded by phone calls, e-mails, and texts that need to be answered immediately. But, if you can be punctual (准时的) despite these obstacles, you implicitly(含蓄地) acknowledge that you value other people's limited time. Getting to a meeting or an appointment on time shows that it's important to you.

It Shows You're Responsible

Your co-workers, clients, and partners want to know that they can trust you to get the job done—and being punctual is an easy way to demonstrate that you can. _ On the contrary, flying down the hallway, showing up breathless to a meeting, then hurrying for your papers and notes gives an impression of chaos and disorder—not exactly the message you want to send.

It Reduces Stress

You know how stressful being late can be. But constantly rushing and scrambling to catch up makes you feel panicky—  Making sure that you show up on time prevents all that anxiety in the first place ( yours and theirs! ) . Instead of panicking about the clock, you can focus your attention on what really matters—your job.

A. Being late can cost you friends.

B. If you think being on time doesn't matter, think again.

C. It indicates that you're organized, responsible, and in control of your time.

D. And, of course, one you've likely ignored before.

E. Being late, however, sends the message that you don't care much about it.

F. It also makes everyone around you anxious and uncomfortable.

G. It also makes you earn a reputation of being someone others can depend on.

6. 完形填空
阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Change is unavoidable in everyone's life. But if it comes when you're at the age of 10, you may be1about how to deal with it. I'm an only child, but I was 2close to my mother in the past. After my father 3, she had no one but me and I had no one but her. 'That was one of the biggest4 I had to address(处理) at that time—the 5of my father, and building a real relationship with my mother. It was 6for my mother too; after all she 7lost the person who loved her.

She had to 8me and make sure that I didn't falter (蹒跚) at any point in life. I didn't know how I could 9, except trying to make her10that I was always fine. I11my father, but I couldn't talk to her about it, because if I did, it would 12her more, and it would make her13her abilities as a parent. But I did wish that there were someone I could14what I thought with, someone who could tell me what to do. The feelings of insecurity are part of every child's life, but people deal with them15. Some16their emotions, while others express themselves openly. I adopted the former.

I wonder if my life would be different if I had spoken to someone and 17someone's judgment other than mine at that time. I can't change the 18, but I do know that I can be that person who hears out children and their insecurities. So today I19to be that person they can talk to, that person who can understand them and help them mold(塑造) their lives differently, for the 20.

A . annoyed B . hopeful C . curious D . confused
A . rarely B . always C . sometimes D . usually
A . died away B . went away C . passed away D . got away
A . problems B . changes C . failures D . conflicts
A . admission B . discomfort C . ignorance D . loss
A . impossible B . tolerant C . tough D . accessible
A . already B . also C . even D . still
A . put up with B . pay attention to C . make up for D . look after
A . survive B . persuade C . assist D . complain
A . expect B . believe C . show D . prove
A . missed B . loved C . admired D . forgot
A . motivate B . hurt C . appreciate D . embarrass
A . doubt B . decrease C . acquire D . recognize
A . talk B . write C . share D . meet
A . effectively B . differently C . difficultly D . gradually
A . contain B . remain C . obtain D . represent
A . respected B . influenced C . cared about D . relied on
A . world B . life C . past D . memory
A . happen B . pretend C . hesitate D . desire
A . better B . busier C . healthier D . longer
7. 语法填空

When the action movie Wolf Warrior Ⅱ broke China's box-office records in 2017, a less outstanding figure unexpectedly left a strong impressionthe audience—a military scientist called Dr. Chen developed a vaccine for a deadly virus spreading across Africa.

Several years ago, a real military scientist Dr. Chen Wei as well as other doctors(send) from China to Africa to fight against the deadly Ebola(埃博拉) . The only difference between the two figures is that the real Dr. Chen is" she". an amazing story!

When SARS broke out in China in 2003, Dr. Chen and her team isolated the virus and identified the cause of the disease without delay.(fortunate), the efforts devoted by them had prevented about 14, 000 front-line medical workers from possibly ( infect).

After SARS, the forward-looking woman shifted her attention to Ebola, _ claimed (夺去) over 10. 000  (life) worldwide. In 2015, she and her team went to Sierra Leone and started their second phase of clinical experiments. After countless trials and errors, her vaccine had proven safe and effective, and been widely provided for staff (appoint) to help people in Africa, earning her a lot of admiration.

From SARS and Ebola to COVID-19, Dr. Chen has spent half of her life fighting against life-threatening viruses. "We do not have any other choices but_ (win), "she said. And eventually she made.

8. 改错题






On a rainy day, I was walking through a market, that was crowded as usual. Some pears were sold with a low price, so I bought three kilograms. After a few minute along the market road, my plastic bag were suddenly burst and half of the pears fell out. Slowly the traffic came to stop as I bent down to pick them up. But as I put some back into the plastic bag, another part of it burst and even many pears fell onto the road. I was extremely embarrassed. 'To my delighted, a driver got out of his car and helped me pick up the remained pears. As I looked at her face, the driver smiled. I was very grateful for his kindness that I expressed thanks repeatedly.

9. 书面表达
假定你是红星中学的李华,你校英语社团的微信公众号开展以 "Trash Sorting Around Us" 为题的征文活动。根据个人对垃圾分类的所见所做所感,要求同学们积极投稿,推荐给其他同学。现请你投稿,文章内容应包括:

1)你的学校或所在社区( community)垃圾分类情况;



可循环垃圾recyclable waste不可循环垃圾unrecyclable waste有害垃圾 hazardous waste



Trash Sorting Around Us