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1. 听力题
Choose the best answer
A . He can't wait any longer. B . He wants a glass of water. C . He's looking for the waiter. D . He won't do as the woman asks.
2. 听力题
Choose the best answer
A . There's no time to talk. B . It's just past ten o'clock. C . She needs a little more time. D . She has more than ten cents.
3. 听力题
Choose the best answer
A . She appreciates the man's help. B . She gave a long presentation. C . She needed more time to prepare. D . She worked hard on her presentation.
4. 听力题
Choose the best answer
A . It's too hot to go running. B . She already went jogging. C . Her jogging suit isn't warm enough. D . She wants to exercise before she runs.
5. 听力题
Choose the best answer
A . To tell him they are busy. B . To cancel an appointment. C . To invite him to go to a film. D . To ask him about the homework.
6. 听力题
Choose the best answer
A . Keep looking for his wallet. B . Be more careful with his wallet. C . Put his wallet in his jacket pocket. D . Report the wallet stolen right away.
7. 听力题
Choose the best answer
A . She thinks the cafeteria is too expensive. B . She doesn't like to walk to the cafeteria. C . She doesn't eat lunch anymore. D . She is on a special diet.
8. 听力题
Choose the best answer
A . What is causing the problem. B . When the roof started leaking. C . How to deal with the problem. D . How high the roof is.
9. 听力题
Choose the best answer
A . In a locker room. B . In a department store. C . At a shoe-repair shop. D . On a running track.
10. 听力题
Choose the best answer
A . It fell out of the car. B . Mary delivered it by herself. C . Susan took it to be delivered. D . The man gave it to Susan.